"political philosophy meets the history of technology meets philosophical anthropology". I like this framing. For me a missing component would be a maybe a global historical outlook. I am glad that in your list of scholars you have someone from Brazil. The questions you posted are important but often times they are Euro/Western/U.S centric. For instance, is certain part of the world pondering questions like "What is the human Good Life?" can be a luxury. But we still ask these question different ways in different circumstances. Contextualising those circumstances are important.

I also prefer longer monthly post instead of weekly. More to read and think.

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Thanks Sharif; I only just saw this! Great to hear that the shift to monthly essays sounds good. I definitely want to consider as wide an outlook as possible. While being mindful, obviously, that the core subject here is technological modernity, and that's something that has found its fullest expression in what we now call the Global North, so inevitably my focus will be there. Roberto Unger is one of my north stars; his thinking on the nature of the human, and particularly the book The Religion of the Future, have had a massive impact on my thinking. Thanks for reading, and hope you enjoy the essays that are coming!

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Hi David - I subscribed to your supercharge 2022 webinar and can't access it nor have I received the deck or a response to any emails - can you assist?

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Thanks Keri-Ann; just emailed you!

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