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As it sounds from the above note, when I look out to next year I'm particularly fascinated and terrified by the impact machine intelligence and robots are set to have on the real economy, and on the everyday work and lives of billions of people.

I think 2024 is sizing up to be the year when these technologies really make their impact felt. And that means reckoning with a set of social and economic questions that we've long talked about, but that have so far remained fairly theoretical.

What does an economy look like when much human labour can be automated away? What are the social implications of this? How will those who are displaced out of their jobs survive?

I think it could get extremely difficult. And at the end of this road, I think, lies a discussion on radical new conceptions of 'work' and new ways to reward people for what they contribute to society. If more and more value is created by autonomous machines, we're surely need some form of universal basic income to share the gains.

I hope automation can liberate more people to do what only people can do: listen to, understand, and truly see others. In other words, to care for one another.

I think we need to rebuild the respect we once had for that kind of care; including care for children and other relatives. And we need to find ways to reward the contribution this care work makes to the human collective.

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AI has sucked all the oxygen out of the innovation room these days. I do get the hype, but I don't get the feeding frenzied pile-on... especially with so many unexplored corners worth my attention.

Thus I will be looking for Deep Tech, biotech, and other emerging trends that won't get the attention alongside the all-AI-all-the-time bug lamp.

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There's definitely a danger that amid all the AI excitement we overlook other fascinating stories; I've been ever-more conscious of that this year when writing the newsletter each week.

There are amazing advances happening, as you say, across biotech and the life sciences, for example. Organoids has been another NWSH obsession this year.

Part of the reason we keep coming back to machine intelligence, though, is that it appears to be such a foundational technology. It's woven through so much that is happening. As soon as I start thinking about what's happening in the life sciences, for example, I'm thinking about DeepMind's Alpha Missense model, and then there I am once again thinking about AI.

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Dec 20, 2023Liked by David Mattin

I’m really excited about the use of AI for social good. We’ve just launched MAX our AI Chatbot with a human heart! MAX took its first set of customer details today, successfully onboarding the customer before passing the case through to a human adviser. The possibilities of AI for good are endless. I absolutely can’t wait to continue the journey in 2024.

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I've seen the MAX chatbot out there, Lee; congrats on the launch! Great to see this technology being put to such good use. Will be really interesting to hear more from you on how the tool is used and evolves next year.

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Dec 20, 2023Liked by David Mattin

Happy Holiday Week Humpday! I love this time of year... reflection, predictions, hope and remembrance! I normally just lurk on the countless newsletters but something you said struck a chord with me; "tech-fuelled change is coming". I might have added, "again" - but you are not wrong. A little over 20 years ago, I left the steel mill to go back to school. That is when I was first introduced to the modern day version of the PC and 'Desktop Publishing'. What might have terrified many 'adults' excited me to a point of giddy! But, I digress, this isn't about me - we have been living in the most exciting techno-age!

The year just gone; my wife and I traveled to the UK and Scotland (from the USA) and I would like to give them with the ability to have hot and cold water from the same faucet. My neuro-diverse son not only 'learned' ChatGPT but mastered the art that is using ChatGPT and started his career as a web developer. I would like to gift everyone the opportunity you see a child 'get it'.

The year ahead; I plan to instill a 'morning routine' into my daily life. This is something I've never allowed myself. 'Life' usually gets in the way and I (and I'm sure many others) just try to get out the door (or to our desktops) reasonably on time with a cup of coffee. I have already started using various forms of AI to assist with suggestions and 'how-tos'. AI is a tool and I love encouraging the use of new tools. Whatever your age, you remember a time of 'how it use to be'... Embrace change so someday you can look back and remember having to use a keyboard instead of just thinking your thoughts out into the world wide web...

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Thanks Kevin! I love this time of year too. Always interesting to hear how individuals are using AI in their own lives; I'll be writing more about my experiences with this next year.

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